The history and present of the Faculty of Arts and Architecture of the Technical University of Liberec is connected with significant creative personalities, internationally respected practicing architects and artists. The founder of the school, Professor Jiří Suchomel, participated, for example, in the implementation of a residential house for the Internationale Baustellung in Berlin or the Czech House in Malmö, Sweden, and is the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award of the Czech Chamber of Architects.

The buildings of educators and architects Petr Stolín and Alena Mičeková, Zen Houses and the Nová Ruda Kindergarten, were awarded the Czech Architecture Prize by an independent international jury in 2016 and 2019 as the best buildings in the Czech Republic. Similarly, architect Jiří Buček and his SIAL studio won the 2014 Grand Prix of Architects for the reconstruction of the Municipal Spa in Liberec into the Regional Gallery. Another studio head, Saman Saffarian, builds on his five-year experience working at Zaha Hadid Architects in London, while architect Radek Kolařík draws valuable experience from working with Jean Nouvel in Paris.

The school also has short-term guest studio heads each semester, who complement the diversity of the overall range of creative approaches.

The Department of Art is headed by curator and artist Jan Stolín, co-author of the award-winning Memorial to Fighters and Victims for the Freedom of the Homeland in Liberec. In 2000, he became a finalist for the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, which is awarded annually to the best young artists under the age of 35. His collaborators are Jaroslav Prokeš and Petra Vlachynská.



Large open studio
Studio teaching takes place in a unique large-scale studio, which creates a shared creative environment for all students. The space, which is accessible 24/7, built on the model of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, is in its own way unique in Europe. The studio provides enough space for both independent creative activity, for consultations, and for other events, such as semester exhibitions or student competitions.

Technical equipment and specialized laboratories
Students have at their disposal: Modeling workshop, 3D printing equipment, laser cutter, polystyrene cutter, virtual reality laboratory, CAD laboratory, computer lab, printing center, extensive library focused on art and architecture, school gallery, auditoriums, workshop classrooms.



FUA graduates will find employment as independent and critically thinking creators, architects, urban planners, visual artists and environmental designers. However, you will also find visualizers, publicists, fashion designers, graphic designers, curators, jewelry designers, art directors, illustrators, teachers and researchers among them. With an education from us, you simply will not get lost.



Architecture and Urbanism
Students of architecture and urbanism will meet with important creative personalities in the field in individual consultations, thereby gaining valuable experience and different perspectives on contemporary architecture and possible urban solutions. Studio assignments are directed both locally to the Czech Republic (Prague, Liberec) and globally (Netherlands, United States, Iceland). Students gradually go through the entire design process: from professional research, environmental analysis, consultation of designs in the process of their development to the final presentation at the end of each semester. The faculty closely cooperates with practicing experts who lecture and guide students at the faculty

Fine Arts – Creation in Public Space
The study is based on the exploration, analysis and formation of relationships between design, art and publicly shared spaces. The program supports creative and innovative thinking in the field of creation, reception and criticism of artistic creation in public space and prefers a multidisciplinary approach to creative practice with the active use of all available media. These can include the creation of 2D and 3D physical and digital objects, installations, environments, but also designs of interventions in urban, landscape and mixed public spaces and places and various ways of individual and community participation of the civil public in their creation.
The field of study follows the current trends of temporary and permanent interventions in public space and prepares experts who will actively influence the quality of public space



Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
Sustainable Architecture
Livable and Socially Just Cities
Using Data and New Technologies for More Effective Design
International Networking with Experts in Finding the Best Local Solutions

Department of Art
Public Art
Multimedia and Lighting Design
Virtual and Mixed Reality
Blending Digital and Physical Experience in the Contemporary World



Architectural practice, work in an urban planning team - urban architect, reconstruction and revitalization, 3D spatial modeling, artist responding to current topics in society, curatorial work, work in state or municipal government, research activity, work in the field of education and promotion, consulting work.


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