Sustainability is defined as the practical ability to meet the basic current needs of society in a way that does not reduce or disrupt the standard of living of future generations and does not limit their needs and requirements associated with everyday life. Sustainable development is a way of developing human society that does not abuse the environment for its economic or social growth, but on the contrary is in harmony with it.
The principles of sustainability can be expressed in the slogan:
The concept of sustainable development is presented in individual partial sustainable development goals (SDGs), which are defined by the UN 2030 Agenda.
Universities around the world understand the need to change our lifestyle and recognize their irreplaceable role in this process.
Since 2022, TUL/FUA has been involved in the nationwide project University leaders in SDGs (UNILEAD), in which 24 Czech universities participated. The task of the project was to intensify the contribution of universities in the field of sustainability, support the implementation of SDGs and protect our society and the environment. The common goal was to improve mutual coordination, share our experiences, exchange available and functional knowledge and, based on them, gradually form a set of recommendations for a transparent and measurable expression of the set goals.
FUA was a member of the group for the areas: Energy Management, Green Construction and Water Management
Current sustainable activities of FUA:
- FUA, together with the technical management of TUL buildings, has developed its own mapping sheets of individual buildings and university territories, which describe their current condition and identify areas where improvements could be made in the spirit of sustainability.
It contains sections:
1. Characteristics of the university;
2. description of the university buildings and grounds;
3. university technology;
4. water management of the buildings and grounds;
5. waste management.
- Participation in the project "Supporting Green Skills and Sustainability in Higher Education" within the framework of component 7.4 of the National Renewal Plan for Higher Education for the years 2023-2025 - preparation and implementation of a new subject Sustainable Construction and preparation of materials for the TUL Sustainability Strategy
- Student participation in the student scientific conference Sustainability in the Context of Island Housing, which took place on May 14, 2024 at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Preparation of a workshop on the topic Sustainable Construction - autumn 2024
- Preparation of lectures on the topic Sustainability - autumn 2024
- Preparation of materials for the project HORIZON-MISS-2024-CIT-01-04 - cooperation of FUA with external stakeholders