Urbanism, as a field whose aim is to shape and develop settlement formations, in the Czech context primarily smaller-scale towns and villages, is one of the fields in which it is easy to demonstrate the changes that our civilization has been experiencing over the past few decades.

With the publication of the book Learning from Las Vegas, by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, in 1972, we are moving into a new situation where the central theme of the architectural manifesto is no longer architecture itself or its language (Complexity and Contradiction, by Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown, from 1966), but a phenomenon connected to the settlement. Since then, countless books have been published mapping and interpreting the development of architecture against the background of phenomena. They have one thing in common, they always touch on settlements and landscapes. The time of viewing architecture and its themes only through the language of architecture is irretrievably gone. This is the situation we have been in for the last few decades, and understanding it is also the starting point for forming the theses that underlie the establishment and direction of the Department of Urban Planning.

The establishment of the Department of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Arts and Architecture aimed to create a platform that would not only theoretically reflect and translate the above into studio teaching (or even into theoretical subjects), but also create works and theoretical outputs related primarily to the issue of settlements and landscapes. The areas of interest are smaller settlements and cultural landscapes, topics that have long been neglected, but are connected to the cultural and historical context of the Czech lands and Central Europe in general.


Head of the Department: PhDr. Ing. arch. Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D.


STUDIO Hendrych - Burgerová

Head of the studio: doc. Ing. arch. akad. arch. Jan Hendrych
Assistant professor: PhDr. Ing. arch. Lenka Burgerová, Ph.D.

STUDIO Kolařík - Dvořáková

Head of the studio: doc. Ing. arch. Radek Kolařík
Assistant professor: Ing. arch. Iva Dvořáková, Ph.D.

Academic staff:
Ing. arch. Ing. Jiří Janďourek
prof. RNDr. Luděk Sýkora, Ph.D.

External staff:
Mgr. Vladimír Syruček

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