Architecture and Urbanism – N0731A010013
Architecture and Urbanism
Students of architecture and urbanism will meet with important creative personalities in the field in individual consultations and thus gain valuable experience and different perspectives on contemporary architecture and possible urban solutions. Studio assignments are directed both locally to the Czech Republic (Prague, Liberec) and globally (Netherlands, United States, Iceland). Students gradually go through the entire design process: from professional research, environmental analysis, consultation of designs in the process of their development to the final presentation at the end of each semester. The faculty closely cooperates with practicing experts who lecture at the faculty and guide students.
Fine Arts – Creation in Public Space – N0213A310009
The subject of the master's degree is primarily free artistic creation and an innovative view of creation in public space. The Fine Arts – Creation in Public Space program primarily provides theoretical knowledge and skills in artistic creation and elaborates on its possibilities and impacts on public space. The study emphasizes the ability to thoroughly explore and analyze the relationships between art, private and publicly shared space and all the circumstances of their interaction. It deals with the strategies and functions of art in public space, the conditions of their reception and criticism. It includes knowledge about the social, cultural and artistic infrastructure of community and social environments.
The program supports creative and innovative thinking in the area of creation, reception and criticism of artistic creation in public space and prefers a multidisciplinary approach to creative practice with the active use of all available media. Creation in Public Space deals with mapping the area of intersection of artistic disciplines represented at the Faculty of Art and Architecture of the Technical University of Liberec (art, architecture, urbanism) in the form of designing and implementing independent artistic concepts and enterprises in the area of art, society and media. It is directly connected to trained creation and participation focused on cultivating a social spiritual and physical space that is shared and provides inspiration to its surroundings. It deals with concepts developing public (civic) activities and initiatives.
Department of Art Website