Possibilities and Limits of Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Participatory Housing in the Czech Republic

Project Name: Possibilities and Limits of Socially and Environmentally Sustainable Participatory Housing in the Czech Republic

Project Number: SS03010221

Implementation Period: 1/2021 – 12/2023

Investor/Program Framework/Project Type: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Environment for Life Program

Main Investigator for TUL: Ing. arch. Radek Suchánek, Ph.D.

Coordinating School: Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies

Collaborating Organizations:

Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.
Czech Technical University in Prague
Arnika, z. s.

Project Description:

The main objective of the project is to determine the possibilities and limits of the development of environmentally sustainable and socially accessible participatory housing in the Czech Republic.

In the next 3 years, the research team will address the topic of participatory housing in the Czech Republic. In cooperation with other partner teams from Masaryk University, the Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Czech Technical University in Prague, and the Arnika Citizen Support Center, they will investigate whether and in what form the development of this innovative segment can be expected in the Czech Republic as a response to the housing crisis. Six cities and municipalities (Jihlava, Liberec, Opava, Pardubice, Hrádek nad Nisou, and Psáry) are also involved in the cooperation, which will apply the project outputs either to programs for the development of environmental and affordable participatory housing, or directly to the tender documentation for the development of specific locations. Based on participatory interdisciplinary research with construction actors, a methodology of system solutions for the development of participatory housing will be created, covering environmental, social, economic, but also spatial aspects, or, for example, a management and communication manual for future interested parties in this housing segment, which includes baugruppe and cohousing, but also cooperative housing, tenant syndicates, or neighborhood networks.


On June 9, 2022, FUA TUL students presented their projects on the topic of "Participatory Housing in Hrádek nad Nisou",
Faculty of Arts and Architecture TUL, Ateliér K. Hubáček
Guests: Mayor of Hrádek nad Nisou Mgr. Josef Horinka and representatives of the city administration

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