
3D Printing in Construction and Architecture

A multidisciplinary project of seven departments of four faculties of TUL – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies, Faculty of Arts and Architecture and Faculty of Textiles.

Program name: Operational Program Research, Development and Education

Call number: 02_16_025

Call name: Call No. 02_16_025 for Pre-application research in priority axis 1OP

Project name CZ: 3D tisk ve stavebnictví a architektuře 

Project name EN: 3D Print in civil engineering and architecture

Project acronym: 3D STAR

Project registration number: CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_025/0007424

Project annotation:

The project of using 3D printing technology in construction and architecture 3D-STAR is focused on the development of a robotic device capable of ambulatory construction of building structures from suitable building materials. The project will develop a conceptual solution for a printing robot, some parts of which will be verified on functional samples. At the same time, suitable building materials will be researched and developed and optimal construction principles will be sought, using the unique possibilities of this technology and usable in contemporary construction and architecture.

The project is divided into two research projects. The first project, entitled "Research on 3D printing technology for construction and architecture", deals with the issue of printing material and working with it to create building structures according to the specified CAD data. The second project, entitled "Research on kinematic structures and drive control systems for 3D printing in construction and architecture", addresses the issue of individual parts and complex functions of the robotic equipment itself, both in the hardware and software areas. Both research projects will be solved in mutual interaction.

It is assumed that a special concrete mixture will be developed that will meet the requirements for this process of implementing large objects or buildings. The suitability of the developed mixture will be verified using a coating head developed specifically for this application. The expected result is a functional sample and a patented solution for the application head. A device for moving the application head for printing objects for tests (testbed) will be developed. The printed objects will be subjected to tests within this project to verify their parameters suitable for the construction industry. Another result of the project will be a preliminary design of a robotic device for 3D printing of building structures, taking into account the internal structural connections and links to construction use.

Physical implementation of the project: 1. 3. 2018 – 28. 2. 2022

Implementation team:


Ing. Petr Zelený, Ph.D., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – Project Principal Investigator, Head of Research Plan No. 1

Ing. Leoš Beran, Ph.D, Faculty of Mechatronics, Informatics and Interdisciplinary Studies – Head of Research Plan No. 2

Prof. Ing. arch. Jiří Suchomel akad. arch., Faculty of Arts and Architecture – Research Project No. 1, Area of ​​Building Objects


ČVUT Prague, Klokner Institute, Assoc. Prof. Ing. Jiří Kolísko, Ph.D.- Research Project No. 1, Area of ​​Building Materials

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