Extension of the F2 TUL building for the purpose of a specialized workplace for the doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism and its equipment with devices and furniture
Programme name: Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
Call number: 02_16_017
Call name: Development of research-oriented study programs in priority axis 2 of the OP
Project name CZ: Dostavba budovy F2 TUL pro účely specializovaného pracoviště doktorského studijního programu Architektura a urbanismus a jeho vybavení přístroji a nábytkem
Project name EN: Extension of the F2 TUL building for the purpose of a specialized workplace for the doctoral program Architecture and Urbanism and its equipment with devices and furniture
Project acronym: Extension of the F2 TUL building
Project registration number: CZ.02.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002681
Project annotation:
Extension building F2 TUL for the purposes of a specialized workplace, including equipment, is a prerequisite for the implementation of the doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism at FUA TUL. The workplace will enable research and development activities in the field of advanced manufacturing technologies, various types of digital production in construction and the use of advanced materials. Its ICT equipment will also be used to solve non-technical innovations, especially issues of sustainable development on the scale of regions and settlements.
Physical implementation of the project: 1.10.2017 – 31.12.2021
Implementation team:
Main investigator of the project Ing. arch. MgA. Osamu Okamura
Guarantor of the architecture laboratory Ing. arch. akad. arch. Jiří Suchomel
The project is divided into three key activities
Key activity 1 Project management
Within this key activity, the management of the entire project will be carried out. On the one hand, the management of the project content, i.e. fulfillment of the project objectives, including in connection with the implementation of the project for the creation of the doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism within the framework of the complementary call No. 18 of the OP R&D. At the same time, the project will be managed administratively, with an emphasis on fulfilling the time and financial plan, preparing monitoring reports and payment requests, managing the agenda related to other KAs, as well as communicating with project staff, the grant provider and, last but not least, with the TU in Liberec steering committee, which is responsible for the coherence of project activities from calls No. 15 – 18 of the OP R&D.
Key activity 2 Completion of the F2 TUL building
As part of this activity, the completion of the F2 TUL building will be created. The single-storey extension of part of the building will serve as infrastructure for teaching students in the newly established doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism. The premises are designed so that, after construction, they will suitably fulfill the purpose of laboratories and teaching spaces for research and teaching within the framework of the aforementioned study program. Following the completion and approval of the construction, the project will include the placement of the purchased equipment, commissioning and, in the final phase, the commencement of studies in the first year of the doctoral study program.
Key Activity 3 Acquisition of internal equipment for the completion of the F2 TUL building
The equipment acquired within this project activity is planned as internal equipment and furniture for placement in the premises of the completion of the F2 TUL building implemented within the KA2 framework, in connection with the needs of the doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism submitted within the framework of complementary call No. 18 of the OP VVV.
The equipment is designed to fulfill the purpose of the "Architecture Laboratory" and can be divided in the following basic way:
– printing equipment intended for doctoral students for printing final graphic outputs, work materials and projects in progress with self-service.
– digitization of the laboratory used for digital 3D mapping of existing buildings and spaces within the framework of study and research activities. The collected data will be applicable for the creation of digital 3D models and for 3D printing. This laboratory will also be used for the digitization of test and final models and the creation of 3D visualizations, graphic outputs and their presentation.
– workshop equipment is intended for advanced work on models, the creation of prototypes and models in real scale. Furthermore, for material experiments, new construction procedures and ensuring safe and clean operation of the modeling part of the laboratory.