
Creation of doctoral program Architecture and Urbanism

Program name: Operational Program Research, Development and Education

Call number: 02_16_018

Call name: Development of research-oriented study programs in priority axis 2 of the OP

Project name CZ: Tvorba doktorského programu Architektura a urbanismus 

Project name EN: Creation of doctoral program Architecture and Urbanism

Project acronym: Creation of doctoral program Architecture and Urbanism

Project registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002722

Project annotation:

The doctoral study in architecture and urbanism is focused on research and deepening the knowledge of the connections between urbanism, architecture and construction. Its essence will be working with new possibilities offered by advanced production technologies and materials. At the same time, social science knowledge will be developed in order to address non-technical innovations, especially issues of sustainable development on a regional and settlement scale. The aim of the study will be to prepare graduates with applicability in both the academic and private spheres.

Physical implementation of the project: 1. 10. 2017 – 31. 12. 2021

Implementation team:

Main project investigator Ing. arch. MgA. Osamu Okamura

Guarantor of the study program Assoc. Prof. Ing. arch. Jiří Buček

The project is divided into five key activities

Key activity 1 Project management
This key activity will manage the entire project. On the one hand, the project will be managed in terms of content, i.e. fulfilling the project objectives, including in connection with the implementation of the project for the completion of the F2 TUL building within the framework of complementary call no. 17 of the OP R&D. At the same time, the project will be managed in terms of administration, with an emphasis on fulfilling the time and financial plan, preparing monitoring reports and payment requests, managing the agenda related to other KAs, as well as communicating with project staff, the grant provider and, last but not least, with the TU in Liberec steering committee, which is responsible for the coherence of project activities from calls no. 15-18 of the OP R&D.

Key activity 2 Preparation of the study program
The newly planned doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism will be prepared in detail, described, processed and an application for its accreditation will be submitted. For this purpose, a working group will be established consisting of academic staff from FUA, other faculties of TUL, experts from practice and from abroad. The entire process of creating the accreditation will be interwoven with internships of academic staff at foreign universities, where academics will gain experience with a similar type of doctoral study program so that they can transfer this example of "good practice" to the upcoming program at TUL and FUA. The activities of the working group will, in addition to the general issues of architecture and urban planning, be focused mainly on two basic professional levels - the area of ​​advanced production technologies and, newly, the level of advanced materials applicable in architecture and construction, and the area of ​​urban planning, understood with an emphasis on the application of new approaches to the formation of long-term sustainable goals in the development of settlements and landscapes using the experience of foreign experts.

Key Activity 3  Internships of Academic Staff
During the preparation of the study program, academic staff of FUA, or staff of other cooperating TUL departments involved in the preparation of the study program, will be sent on foreign internships, with the aim of getting to know in detail similar activities of selected foreign universities and research departments. Experience from these internships will be used as examples in the preparation of the new doctoral program. In addition to departments focused on the use of new materials and technologies in architecture and construction, these will include countries and regions with experience in implementing structural plans, as well as countries that have undergone social and economic transformations, or are experiencing dynamic changes in urban structures and landscapes. At the same time, foreign consultants will come to FUA TUL and will share their experience in the form of consultations, lectures and workshops during their approximately two-week stays

Key activity 4  Preparation of study materials
During the preparation of the study program and the time between submitting the application for accreditation and its granting, tangible and intangible products will be created, serving as a basis for students' work during their studies and resulting from their activities. An essential part will be the development of the methodology of the prepared doctoral study. This will be formed on the basis of comparison with foreign universities, focusing in particular on areas of doctoral studies that are identical or related to the study profile we are following.

Key activity 5  Internships of first-year students
During the first year of doctoral studies, first-year students of the doctoral study program Architecture and Urbanism will be sent on internships abroad. The aim of these internships will be to familiarize selected doctoral students with the activities of foreign universities and research institutions in detail and to enable them to carry out part of their research and theoretical individual tasks in a foreign environment. During the internships, doctoral students will engage in activities related to their doctoral theses that could not be carried out at all or only to a limited extent in their home environment. Internships will be arranged with workplaces relevant to the topics addressed by the students, selected by the faculty for such a stay. When selecting students to complete an internship abroad, the decisive factor will be the cooperation with the foreign workplace (in the academic, state or private sphere), which must correspond as closely as possible to the topic of the student's doctoral thesis in terms of its focus of activity, so that the internship is as beneficial and inspiring as possible for them.

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