Department Investigators Project name Allocated amount Project and budget adjustment due to the COVID-19 pandemic
KPS doc. E. Burgetová
Ing. J. Košťálová
Ing. Z. Vyoralová
Ing. D. Martincová
Organization of the international scientific conference "Passive solar architecture in the context of sustainable development" 85 000,- 71 000,-
KUR Ing. arch. MgA. O. Okamura
doc. Z. Němcová Zedníčková
Joint workshop FUA + Tokyo University of Science 45 000,– 0,–
DFA Ing. arch. MgA. O. Okamura Guest lecture series at FUA – lecture, workshop 48 000,– 24 000,–
KNK Ing. arch. S. Saffarian Preparation of the course Structure and Form into English 35 000,– 35 000,–
KDA prof. P. Kratochvíl Participation in the European Architectural History Network conference (June 10–13, 2020, Edinburgh) with own presentation 28 800,– 0,–
KAR Ing. arch. S. Saffarian Preparation and implementation of a lecture and workshop by 1 foreign guest 12 500,– 0,–
DFA Ing. arch. MgA. O. Okamura Support for online teaching – purchase of computers, laptops, accessories, SW 124 300,–  
    Transfer from the Operating Fund   7 072,–
    TOTAL 254 300,– 261 372,–
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